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Showing posts from February, 2018

Sutla Flawless Papaya Soap and Lightening Lotion Review

Being born as a Filipino, I inherit from my parents the brown-yellowish skin tone that Malay race has. I am not as dark as chocolate nor as white as milk, I'm just somewhere in between and I am completely fine with it even though other people keep bugging me that I should be whiter to look prettier. It actually really upsets me sometimes that they don't think I can be beautiful just because I am not that white but sadly that's just how things are working right now and I have to go with that flow. But even after all that, I still don't want to become as pale as coupon bond. I don't really dream to have a whiter skin but I just want to have an even skin tone from head to toe. I sweat a lot that's why my armpit and neck area are quite darker than my skin tone. I tried a lot of lightening soaps to even out my skin but they have just actually made it worst. And just when I was about to give up, my sister introduced to me the P15.00   Sutla Flawless Papaya Soap .

Online Shopping Experience: Shopee Philippines Review

I am that kind of person who doesn't like going out too much because I sweat easily and my body is kind of fragile due to lack of exercise so as much as possible, I do all of my stuff and business online - working, studying, and of course my favorite, shopping! We are in the millennial age so everything is just one-click/tap away, such is the beauty of the internet, isn't it? After working and studying, I take a break by going straight to online shopping sites just to browse things and not necessarily buying it. To be honest, I can find more relaxation in online shopping than strolling in malls and department stores (okay I admit, I'm just too lazy to go out).  I started online shopping when I was still in my first year in college (that was in the year 2014). Ads suddenly popped up on my Facebook homepage so I got intrigued and since I am that person who always jumps in the water even not knowing what is swimming in there, I clicked the bait *laughs*. The first online

Lip Tint Review: Etude House Dear Darling Water Gel Tint Ice Cream (Choco Red)

Alright, I am back again! I'll be writing many posts today because it's Sunday so I'm not yet busy with my messy life haha. Oh! And this time I'll be writing a short review on Etude House Dear Darling Water Gel Tint - Ice Cream  of shade BR 403 Choco Red which is the tint that I always wear every time I step outside of the house . So I bought this tint last December 2017 from Shopee Philippines  for only P 250.00, I am not sure of what is its official or original price but I guess the price difference isn't that wide. There are a lot of sellers in Shopee and they sell this in different prices ranging from 230 - 300 pesos. You may also see some sellers selling this for only 75 pesos or below, please be aware that they are fake items and can be dangerous when applied to your lips. I bought mine from Peach Pink , this seller only sells authentic Korean makeup and skincare products in Shopee so you can rest assure that the items you are ordering from this seller

Webtoon Favorite: Yumi's Cells

Hello there! It's been a while since my first post in this blog, I got busy with the online courses I have been taking so I kinda forgot that I have actually made a blog *ahahaha*. If I didn't explore my Instagram  account today, I don't think I could ever write again on this blog because my memory really sucks ridiculously. So here I am, back on track again (will surely get lost again in the future XD) with a post dedicated to my most favorite webtoon, the Yumi's Cells !  Yumi's Cells is an on-going webtoon created by Donggeun Lee . The webtoon is originally written in Korean but can also be read in English with the Webtoon  English app. This is actually the first webtoon I have ever read which is why this is my favorite (I tend to attach a lot of emotional values with all of my firsts!). So far, the Yumi's Cells is now at its 276th episode in Korean while 274th in English. The Korean version updates every Tuesday and Friday while the English transla